In a groundbreaking research paper, a recent study has uncovered an intriguing relationship between microdosing and the experience of heightened authenticity.

Authentically expressing oneself is considered integral to personal fulfillment and wellbeing, and understanding the factors that contribute to this sense of authenticity is of great interest. Microdosing, the practice of ingesting minuscule doses of psychedelics (psilocybin, LSD, etc.) that do not induce perceptual alterations, has gained attention in recent years for its reported positive effects. A new study, published in the journal of Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs Online, aims to shed light on whether microdosing could make you feel more authentic, providing fresh insights into the potential benefits of this practice.

What were the research methodologies?

The study collected data from 18 individuals who engaged in microdosing over a span of one month, resulting in a total of 192 observations. Participants were asked to provide self-assessments of their state authenticity on both microdosing days and non-microdosing days. The number of activities participants engaged in and their satisfaction with these activities were also recorded. To ensure the validity of the findings, demographic information, trait authenticity, and emotional states were considered as control variables. The data were analyzed using mixed-effects models, accounting for individual variation and observing the effects across multiple days. Ethical approval was obtained from the Ethics Review Board, and participants provided written consent upon enrollment.

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